What plant-based protein source uses similar production processes to beer using anaerobic fermentation? Enter the mind of Superbrewed Food. The method includes a “protein specialist”, microflora, washing, and drying. This company creates an allergen-free product, high in B Vitamins, BCAA’s, vitamins, minerals, and of course protein, all with a low carbon footprint.
Joey Thurman:
Welcome to Talking Plant Protein. Today we have Dr. Bryan, Tracy co-founder and CEO of Superbrewed Food. Brian, thanks for coming on.
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here
Joey Thurman:
Now, Superbrewed Food. First of all, fun name. I like that. You know what makes it Superbrewed Food?
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Well, we've taken the process of brewing, that you would associate with beer, and we're bringing it center of the plate to make more nutritious, more dense, healthy foods for you. So, we effectively are super brewing it up for better human nutrition, that's animal-free and food allergy-free.
Joey Thurman:
Really? So, this is completely animal-free. I mean, obviously this is talking plant protein, right? So, let's focus on that, and what are the benefits in making it superb? I mean, you guys have superbrewed superb. What, what really makes it super?
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Yeah. So, our focus has been looking, as consumers move to alternatives, away from animal and more flexitarian diets where plants played a really made your role, unfortunately, there's been some sacrifices on taste, texture and nutrition as well, the density of nutrition beyond just the composition of the protein. So, we spent a lot of time to look into what are new solutions that keep us again, away from the animal world, away from food allergy concerns, but are not going to have to sacrifice and have a consumer compromise on any aspect of their consumer experience.
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
So, we've been able to achieve that, right, delivering a protein ingredient that beyond being comparable to whey protein on its immuno acid content, it also is loaded with B vitamins in the most bioavailable minerals that a human needs on a daily basis, while delivering exceptional functionalities that allow it to be formulated into end products that a consumer loves to drink, loves to eat, loves to cook with. So, the combination we think of the nutrition, with the functionality, has allowed us to create the designation of superb.
Joey Thurman:
That's great. So, you're are able to get the B vitamins, which sometimes are lacking in somebody that's eating predominantly plants, right? You're also getting the protein and lack of allergens, which often if you're choosing plant-based, then there might be some allergens in there, some major allergens, right?
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Joey Thurman:
So, what types of foods and products is this going into?
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Yeah, we excel very well in alternatives to dairy in all formats, liquid yogurt, ice cream. We're working very diligently on cheese as well. That's really our bread and butter today. Liquid dairy alternatives. Second though, we're having success, but it's very early stages, in alternatives to meat. So, making a fish filet, minus the extraction out of the ocean.
Joey Thurman:
Yeah. When people are having this, right. Like, have you tried the fish filet yet, or any alternative meat? What do you think? Because obviously, everybody tries to compare like a burger versus like a plant burger, which is kind of a hard comparison, but can you taste a big difference, and is it palatable for a lot of people?
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Yeah. So, taste is one of the primary things too, that we can deliver successfully off of. Not because we bring the taste, but we're so neutral in color, and we're so mild and flavor, that the formulator can bring in all types of other solutions to make the flavor, to be the experience that the consumer wants. That's one of the real challenges of plant-based proteins. They oftentimes have a very beanie, earthy, astringent flavor to them, right? This is what we are able to avoid in an end product that brings no color. Whiteness, maybe perhaps, and allows you to use whatever canvas you want to bring the flavor to what you want to tune it for the consumer.
Joey Thurman:
Wow. So, if you're able, just to try your post [inaudible 00:03:49] protein, literally just by itself, does it taste like anything?
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
It definitely, nothing's tasteless right, in this world. So, it has a new mommy, warm type of savory flavor to it.
Joey Thurman:
Okay. So, when people are just adding that, they're just adding their own ingredients and then whatever, whatever it's chocolate or vanilla or anything, and it's taking on that flavor profile quite well?
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Yeah. I mean the area where we're focusing, we're bringing product to market this year. Our first consumer product is going to be protein drinks, high protein content beverages, that are animal-free and are sugar-free, are cholesterol-free are some of the lowest in sodium and cleanest label. Because the other advantage we take, another thing we take advantage of is if we can bring in all this extra nutrition, we don't have to fortify our products with extra vitamin and mineral ingredients. Right? In that case, we can make an extremely clean vanilla flavor, that does not have to be overrun with sugar. Right?
Joey Thurman:
Yeah. You see that all the time, right?
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Oh, a ton.
Joey Thurman:
Like you even see, like you're talking about yogurt, whether it's a traditional dairy yogurt or a alternative yogurt, like it just to, for them to make it taste good, adding all of this sugar to it, and that's nice that you're able to bring a product to market, coming up soon here, that people can have that option as well.
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Joey Thurman:
So, as far as you guys are concerned, what's coming up? I know like you're going to be at FFT, and what's coming up for Superbrewed Food, and then also what's happening at FFT?
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Yeah. So, at FFT we're going to be sharing tasting experience with folks in the tasting lab. So, it's an opportunity if you're out there, please come by and see us, and actually have the experience of seeing what Superbrewed can deliver to you in your consumer life on a superb platform. Beyond that, we're coming to market this year, so be prepared. We're going to be in a couple of different sports beverages for the average consumer, and we're going to be scaling in the next year through B2B ingredient sales. So, coming into different formats through other real big name brands in the everyday consumer product that you're buying from the grocery store today, an alternative dairy aisle.
Joey Thurman:
That's great. I mean, make sure to check out Superbrewed Food at FFT and Bryan, you're going to send me a bunch of protein drinks. Right, because I work out.
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
For sure.
Joey Thurman:
This isn't just like fake muscles under this suit. I actually lift weights.
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Yes. I'm telling you, man, seriously, this could be the solution to faster recovery. For me, that's the key thing that this gives to me.
Joey Thurman:
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Go out and spend a whole day doing yard work, and run 10 miles later on that evening, and wake up the next morning ready to play with your kids again.
Joey Thurman:
Superb. Super. I don't know how, how many puns we can do there, man, but I appreciate you coming on. Where can people find you?
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
Well, I mean, for me, I'm on Twitter. I'm on Facebook, on Instagram, on LinkedIn. LinkedIn's really where we're putting out the most information, so please check us out.
Joey Thurman:
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
But come find us in person in San Francisco at FFT.
Joey Thurman:
All right. I appreciate you. Thanks for coming on Talking Plant Protein.
Dr. Bryan Tracy:
I appreciate it. Thanks guys.