SuSeWi is raising funds to build a large-scale facility to grow algae using natural methods. This site will be the first of its kind and will position SuSeWi as the largest producer of algae in the world.
The second question is, now we're on generation for the technology. We're about to build a big site, so we raising series B finance right now to build a large scale site. And by large scale, I mean it'll be 600 tons of our dry algae per annum, which we will put into these different foods and for different uses. And then from there, we scale up to, we've got enough land to produce 70,000 tons of algae, dry algae product. So then on the one side is developing additional human foods. And the other track is building our first large scale site, which is the first of its kind in the world. And within a short space of time, we will be producing more than the rest of the world's algae output put together.